

The Peale is Baltimore’s Community Museum.

Your support matters!

There are many ways to help share and save Baltimore’s stories at the Peale. Your donations enable the city’s creators to produce top-quality exhibitions and programs, amplify Baltimore’s unique voices, and preserve the historic Peale Museum building as their home and showcase. Below are some of the specific initiatives you can support. You can also become a sustaining member. Donate via PayPal or send checks to The Peale, P.O. Box 1742, Baltimore, MD 21203.

A young man in a black sweatshirt untangles wires.

AAA Program Fund

The mission of Accomplished Arts Apprentices (AAA) is to increase equity & inclusive justice in the arts, creative and preservation trades with specific focus on marginalized Baltimore-based youth and young adults.

A woman in a colorful pink dress and matching head wrap sits on a stage and tells stories.

Storytellers Fund

The Baltimore Stories Fund is designed to provide the storytellers and creators of the city with micro-grants, capacity-building, and production support to help share stories her in Baltimore and beyond. Donate today and assist!

People sit on the outside of a large room and watch dancers perform in the middle.

Exhibits + Programs

Exhibitions and programs are driven entirely by Baltimore’s communities and creators, built by and for people like you. Help us continue our efforts to bring public, and often free, programs to everyone–whether in person on online.

A view of a brick garden path with lush vegetation around it.

Buy a Garden Brick

Buy a brick for the country’s first purpose-built museum! Your brick, engraved with a name or message of your choice, will help repave the Peale’s Pollinator Garden. Three lines available for custom messages for you or a loved one.

Help us reach our goal
before the end of the year!


How are general donations spent? These unrestricted funds go to everything from facilities maintenance to archives management to staffing. We always appreciate every dollar you can give. Thank you in advance!

Become a Member!

Now, more than ever! Support the Peale while gaining special access to our innovative programs and events, online and in person, year-round! From jazz and concerts to lectures, workshops, theater and more, you’ll be the first to hear Baltimore stories, as told by its residents.
A man in a black ball cap plays a trumpet outside in front of a brick building.
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